2020 Robot: Leia
- Robot Number: Ten
- Name of Game: Infinite Recharge
- Game Animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmiYWTmFRVE
2019 Robot: Eva
- Robot Number: Nine
- Name of Game: Deep Space
- Game Animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mew6G_og-PI
- The Goal of the Game: Two opposing alliances will combat unpredictable weather patterns, making remote robot operation essential to their mission on the planet. Within two minutes and thirty seconds until liftoff, the alliances must gather as many cargo hatches as possible and prepare their spaceships for departure before the next sandstorm arrives.
- Design of Robot: Weighing in at 97 pounds and 30 inches tall, Eva was the 2018-2019 season robot. Eva was programmed with LabView, with two climbing mechanisms and seven CIM motors - four as a part of her drivetrain and three for the climb. The climbing mechanism consisted of a pair of "arms" and "legs". The robot would line up backwards to the platform, releasing the legs to tilt the robot forward. It would then lower the pair of arms to lift itself on the platform while driving backwards to complete the climb. A pair of Kongs (designed as dog toys) were included for support and leverage on the arms while the legs ended with a set of wheels. This climbing mechanism gave Eva the nickname "Spider-bot" during competition.
2018 Robot: Samus
- Robot Number: Eight
- Name of Game: Power-up
- Game Animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZbdwYiCY74
- The Goal of the Game: Two opposing alliances race to take control of either the scale in the center or the switch on their side of the field. As seconds pass teams rack up a certain number of points based on how long either the switch, scale, or both are in their favor. At the same time, robots could deliver power cubes to their team members through a shoot. Teams stack these cubes in marked sections called levitate, boost, and force. Levitate awards climbing points, boost doubles the points earned per second for a period of time, and force changes the controls of the scale and the switch to the opposite side.
- Design of Robot: Weighing in at 118 pounds and standing 54 inches in height, Samus has a drivetrain of an 8 wheel tank west coast drive. She has been programmed with Labview and has 6 CIM motors on her drivetrain and a pneumatic gripping arm attached to an elevator for hugging cubes. In terms of her autonomous mode, she can cross the baseline and put cubes on the switch. In terms of teleoperated mode, she can focus on the scale, deliver cubes to the switch, and climb a 40-degree ramp.
2017 Robot: Nautilus
- Robot Number: Seven
- Name of the Game: Steamworks
- Game Animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMiNmJW7enI
- Goal of the Game: There are multiple ways to score points. Robots can fire balls, known as “fuel,” into boilers on either side of the field. Most, like Nautilus, raced around the field to collect gears that are delivered to the airships in the center of each side. Finally, at 30 seconds, ropes are dropped from the airships and the robots climb them before the timer runs out.
- Design of Robot: Nautilus featured a compact cubic design. The electronics inside were protected by a sloped, walled piece of sturdy plastic, which also served as the slide for the gears to be fed into the robot. The mechanism that placed the gears on the peg was shaped like a “V” and used pneumatics to open and close it, to hold and drop a gear. Our climb was a cylinder that tapered in the middle, using Velcro to grip the rope. It wound in a circle to climb. As the robot climbed, the actual mechanism would flip up with the use of bearings, and the plastic circles on either side were used to add some extra height to activate the touchpad.
2016 Robot: Fira
Number: 7
Position: Practice Robot
2016 Robot: Nessie
- Number: 6
- Name of the Game: FIRST Stronghold
- Game Animation
- Goal of the Game: To gain points either by scoring in high or low goals, climbing or by crossing various "defenses" set up in the middle of the field. The different defenses can be changed out and have unigue rules applying to each to defenses.
- Design of the Robot: A shooter, at a set shooting angle, using 3 wheels: One for picking up, two for shooting. The robot has a camera used for aiming. The back of the robot had a pulling mechanism, which featured a hook, to manipulate defenses. Rhino treads were used for the drive train. The robot also featured a skid plate on the bottom to protect from defenses.
2015 Robot: Khaleesi
- Robot Number: Five
- Name of the Game: Recycle Rush
- Game Animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6UYFKNGHJ8
- Goal of the Game: To stack totes and bins on the step to order to get the maximum number of points, and to throw litter on to the opposing team's field.
- Design of Robot: Khaleesi featured a wheeled converyor belt intake/outtake system with an elevator on the robot, thus had stacking take place within the robot.
2014 Robot: Tiger Lily "Tily"
- Robot Number: 4
- Name of the Game: Aerial Assist
- Game Animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5zWzICG5to
- Goal of the Game: To gain as many points of possible by working with teams on your alliance by passing the ball to one another in different areas of the court, or passing over the truss in the middle of the court. There is also a high goal for ten points without using an assists, and a low goal for one point without any assists.
- Design of the Robot: Cadipalt and a wheeled pick up. The cadipalt is a spring tension cadipalt. The pick up is a series wheel on an arm that comes down and forces the ball into the arm.
2013 Robot: Raja
- Robot Number: 3
- Name: Raja
- Name of the Game: Ultimate Ascent
- Game Animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=oM8YkqAImww
- Goal of the Game: To launch frisbees into different slopes and/or to climb a pyramid structure made of three different rungs, which equal different points.
- Design of Robot: Raja climb. Used a pully system with hooks that attack to the rung. The motor lifts robot unto the rung. Raja also had a dump mechanism to dump frisbees.
2012 Robot: Tiogar
- Robot Number: 2
- Name: Tiogar
- Name of the Game: Rebound Rumble
- Game Animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9GaIl-We-U&feature=player_detailpage
- Goal of the Game: To launch basketballs into hoops at different hieghts. Amount of points vary from hoop height to hoop height.
- Design of Robot: Catapult
2011 Robot: Prima
- Year: 2011
- Robot Number: One
- Name: Prima
- Name of the Game: Logomotion
Game Animation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTJOXTIaa9g&feature=player_embedded
Goal of the Game: To pick up and place inflated tubes on different racks. Depending on the placement of the tubes, the score would vary.
Design of Robot: Involved several 80-20's, controlled by a pully, sliding into each other, causing them to move up and down to pick up tubes and place them on the different racks.