Robotics championship hosts hundreds of high school students, robots in West Springfield- interview with New England Public Media at the New England FIRST District Championship Event

Family of Engineers- Following in her families footsteps, Amie Agasino, a TechTigers Alumni, trains for a career as an engineer

What Mercy High School has to Offer- See a robotics demo as students return to school on

Mercy High School Welcomes Back Students- See an interview with a TechTiger about the impact of COVID-19 and returning to school on

Mercy TechTigers are One Good Thing- Celebrates the Mercy TechTigers as ONE Good Thing during the pandemic 

Mercy TechTigers Empowering Women- New Haven Register, How Mercy High School's Robotics Team is Inspiting Women in Stem and Beyond

Mercy TechTigers win another FIRST Robotics championship- TechTigers win in Waterbury: "Destination Deep Space"

TechTigers Featured it STRONG Magazine for Girls- Empower young girls to persue interests in STEM. 

Tech Tigers - SUBWAY® High School HeroesSubway used TechTigers as an example of interesting, determined students in a commercial video.

TechTigers 3654 2015 Chairmans Award Submission - TechTigers 2015 Chairmans Award Submission, featuring various members of the team, and made by the team.

TechTigers at Girls in STEM Hartford Courant ArticleTechTigers assisted in the 2015 Girls in STEM event by speaking to young women about FIRST Robotics and helping them in building "Brush Bots" to give the girls a hands-on experience.  

TechTigers at Girls in STEM Fox News VideoThe Fox news story on the 2015 Girls in STEM event, including the TechTigers who were participating in the event. 

TechTigers interview with FoxCTTechTigers being interviewed about FIRST Robots by FoxCT News, including an interview with Lauren G. Melanie D and Mentor Mrs. Bach.


Youtube Vlogs

TechTiger Talk: Episode 1  - The first episode of the TechTigers vlogs featuring 2015 season's Co-Captains Melanie D. and Kayla T.

TechTiger Talk: Episode 2  - The second episode of the TechTigers vlogs featuring two of 2015's business team members Stephanie F. and Isabella O. 

TechTiger Talk: Episode 3  - The third episode of the TechTigers vlogs featuring two of 2015's technical team members Sammy G. and Tara P. 

TechTiger Talk: Episode 4 - The forth and final episode of the TechTigers 2015 FIRST season features technical team member Madeline K. and Suzanna O.


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