Uniting Girls to Change the World

 Our Girl Up Club Page: http://clubs.girlup.org/clubs/home/2333

Girls should be safe, healthy, educated, and accounted for; it is as simple as that. We make up half of the current global youth population of 1.2 billion, but our voices are often lost. 

Studies conducted by the UN have revealed startling truths. There are 140 million children and adolescents out of school; more than half are girls. In the developing world, one in seven girls will be married before they turn 15. Violence disables and kills the same amount of women from 15 to 44 as cancer.
Girl Up is a UN program designed by girls for girls, and through its resources, we are able to positively impact the global community. Girl Up's programs include Schoolcycle, which for every $125 raised donates a bicycle and a bicycle repair kit to a girl who needs it to go the distance to school, which for many is more than 5 miles. Another program is the WiSci STEAM Camp, which provides STEAM training free of charge to girls from several countries including Malawi, Rwanda, Uganda, Zambia, Tanzania, and Liberia. 
We are girls. We have received incredible opportunities from living in the developed world. And we will do what we can to support our sisters through advocating for their right to an education, educating ourselves on their struggles, and fundraising for their future.

For more information head on over to www.girlup.org!